Fast, efficient, and secure-- ScalePEO helps you do payroll right, each and every time.
Ensuring employees get paid on time. We've got that covered.
Changes or corrections? No problem, we understand life happens.
Never worry about tax deadlines and accuracy again. We are experts at the tax game.
End of year processing made easy.
We know payroll does not always come in one shape and size. Flexibility is key.
Full-time, Part-time, Salary, Hourly, and more. We can do it all.
All online and flexible for your needs...
With ScalePEO, your payroll data is automatically integrated with HR, which means you don't have to rekey anything from one system to another. Not only do you save time but you decrease the risk of error.
Review payroll data through the built in reports and compare it to previous payrolls and historical averages to ensure it’s accurate.
Choose from a variety of clocks including mobile app, webclock, biometric, employee PIN, and more.
We not only file your payroll taxes and W-2s for you, but we also stay up-to-date on the latest changes to employment regulations. You'll receive the resources and support you need to make staying compliant easier.
Control what specific data, fields and reports each individual can see. Everything is safe, and your team only sees the data they need.
We know and understand that moving payroll is a very, very big deal which is why we have a team dedicated solely to implementation. This means you will have an Implementation Specialist there to help you every step of the way.
Nope! Not unless you want it to. We’ll still need someone internally at the office to approve payroll, PTO, sick days, etc. We can work with your current payroll administrator to maximize their productivity and help strengthen the payroll process overall.
The client enters the gross commission amount on the timesheet during regular payroll. If commission is off-cycle payroll, then ScalePEO will create the additional payroll once the commissions are entered.
Yes, time & labor is integrated with payroll and HR which means time data flows seamlessly between Payroll, Benefits and HR. There is no need to export and import time data between payroll. This makes it easier than ever to set up your team, eliminate manual processing, data entry and other related issues, and save your staff valuable time.
As a business professional, you understand payroll holds a pivotal role in your organization’s success. Understanding the nuances between payroll outsourcing and in-house processing is key to developing efficient financial operations. With the year coming to a close, it may be time to start reevaluating your payroll processing methods. Let's delve into the realm of payroll processing and discover the benefits of PEOs.
As a business owner, you likely know the struggles of developing a streamlined payroll process. A fundamental aspect of running any business, developing a payroll process that is both efficient and cost-effective can be difficult, especially given the need to comply with complex regulations, maintain data accuracy, and update to scale with your current business needs.
As a savvy business owner, you have likely heard about PEOs (Professional Employer Organizations) and their ability to help your company grow in many different ways.
We take on the burden of HR and administrative tasks allowing you to focus on increasing productivity and growth.
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